The EAE program had an open house this week to show off all the student projects we've been working on for the last year. We typically get lots of friends and family, local industry professionals and faculty to come check out everything. Since we were the second year grad students, we got to set up our projects in a much bigger area. As it turns out, bright flashy colors and music on an 80 inch TV draws attention, so we were able to get tons of feed back. We also set up a bunch of computers with feedback forms on the alternate monitors and got almost unanimously positive feedback from that.
We still get the occasional complaint that we mess up the music when we're trying to enhance it, or that the game favors the right side too much. Both are valid, but I'm unsure if we'll be able to do anything about them if we want to keep any semblance of our original premise alive. Part of me wants to try making the track either straight or curvy in random directions, but we shall see next semester.
The game is basically in a state we are currently very happy with and polish and bug fixing will be our main focus for here on out.
Aside from Vinyl, there were tons of other fantastic student projects at the show. The undergrad PSP games are using the touch screen in unique ways, and the research teams have made several games on topics ranging from fitness to teaching social skills to autistic teens. The first year grad students all had their rapid prototypes on display, and will be publishing them to the Windows app store before the semester is out.
All in all, I'd say it was a pretty successful evening. And the cake was delicious.