Thursday, March 7, 2013

Real Time Graphics Asg08

This weeks assignment was pretty cool actually.  I always had an inkling of what bump mapping was from being around games all the time, but upon actually implementing a simple normal map I'm a little blown away by what you can do to a surface by just altering some normals.  Here's the assignment for the random googlers.  And here's what the assignment ended up looking like.  Guess which one is specular.

I'm not entirely sure what to include in this writeup, usually I talk about all the horrible things that went wrong, but this one was pretty straightforward.  The hardest part was properly scaling the cube in Maya to output a cube at the same size as our hand coded cubes.  Changing the Maya exporter to output bitangents and tangents was exactly the same as how we were already output the normals.  The actual fragment shader code was pretty simple too, just modifying some normals with the new values.

I did find it interesting how DirectX handles multiple textures per mesh.  I figured we'd have to explicitly call SetTexture with the specific texture name, their way is much nicer.

Other than that I spent a bunch of time making new text files and cleaning up some things.  I took the specular exponent out of the scene file finally, even though I wasn't even using it.  Additionally I decided on an expected texture type of 0 to be just a texture and 1 to be texture and normal .  This way I can just do a simple int compare in the update loop, might not be the most human readable though.  Spoilers, 2 will probably include environmental maps.

I also spent a lot of time figuring out how I broke my specular lighting awhile ago.  Apparently I was passing a zero in for light intensity, which when multiplied with my specular lighting went to zero.

Anyway, here's the code.

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